





Spinach can be picked only twice and then it is done. Spinach likes things loose in the soil department, and well-drained soil is ideal. Spinach is a thirsty plant so water it frequently but keep the leaves dry. It is best kept at a distance from herbs such as thyme and oregano who do not like to be water logged, thank you very much. This vegetable loves cool weather and hanging out in the shade. Like me, it wilts in the heat and does best in the months of November through March. Its shallow roots are perfect for the raised garden. When prepping spinach, rinse and repeat.

Characteristics: Low maintenance; Can only be picked twice; Likes loose soil
Water: Likes to be watered frequently
Sun: Prefers shade
Companions: Peas; Beans; Cabbage; Cauliflower; Celery; Eggplant; Onions
Enemies: None